Hi Citrix guys.
This time only I have a simple script to check if all citrix services are runing.
If some service is Stopped, restart again and send an email to report.
Das ist nicht Cool
File Name: CheckCitrixMonitoring_v01.ps1
Author: citrixpedia@gmail.com
Comments: Script developed to check citrix monitoring services. if the services is stopped, it will be started and it will send an email.
======================================================================= #>
$eventSource="Citrix Monitoring"
# create body message
$header = "The following services were stopped and it has proceeded to start them again.`nPlease, check them: "
$footer= "Please, notify to: $smtpAddress about this message."
# write event in the system
New-EventLog -LogName System -Source $eventSource
# Check Citrix Services and if the service is stopped, restart again and send mail to report
$stoppedServices=Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*Citrix*"} | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"} | fl display*,status
$stoppedServices | Out-File -Encoding ASCII $LogFileName
if ($stoppedServices) {
$readFile=Get-Content -Encoding ASCII $LogFileName
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*Citrix*"} | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"}| Start-Service
Write-EventLog -LogName System -Source $eventSource -EventId $eventID "Warning" –Message "`n$header`n`n$readFile`n`n$footer"
Send-mailmessage -SmtpServer $smtpServer -from $smtpFrom -to $smtpAddress1 -Subject "Citrix Monitoring Alert -> $env:COMPUTERNAME" -body "`n$header`n`n$readFile`n`n" -Attachments $LogFileName
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