lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

How Export all Citrix XenApp 7.6 apps in a CSV file

An option could be get all information about XenApp 7.6 Site and exporting each Delivery Group.
To acomplish this firstly it is necessary get all delivery groups and late, using the attributte UUID, connect to each delivery Group to get all applications inside this group.

If you thinsk you can improove this script, please, send me your improovements to this mail: 

thanks and enjoy it!!

<# =======================================================================

File Name: ExportDeliveryGroupApps_v01.ps1

Date: 25-nov-2014

Comments: Script developed to get all apps information for each Delivery Group and dump this info in a different csv file.

======================================================================= #>


# Get Location of script

Get-pssnapin -registered | add-pssnapin -passthru

Get-Location | ForEach-Object { $myPath = $_.Path }

$myDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y-%m-%d %H%M"


# Create a "....DeliveryGroups.csv" file with a list of all delivery groups and users permissions

$myFileName = $myPath + "\" + $myDate + "_DeliveryGroups.csv"

$header = "DeliveryName;UUId;ColorDepth;Enabled;NumPublishedApplications;IncludedUsers"
$header | Out-File $myFileName -encoding ASCII 

Get-BrokerDesktopGroup | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq "True"} | ForEach-Object { 

if ($_.Name) { $myDesktopGroupName = $_.Name }
$myString = $_.Name + ";" + $_.UUId + ";" + $_.ColorDepth + ";" + $_.Enabled + ";" + $_.TotalApplications


#   Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule -> this CMDLET permits get access permissions
Get-BrokerAccessPolicyRule | Where-Object { $_.uid -eq "1" -and $_.DesktopGroupName -eq $myDesktopGroupName } | ForEach-Object { 
if ($_.IncludedUsers) { $myIncludedUsers = $_.IncludedUsers }
$myUsers = ""
$myIncludedUsers | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Name -and $myUsers) {$myUsers = $myUsers + "," + $_.Name}
elseif ($_.Name -and -not $myUsers) {$myUsers = $_.Name}
$myString + ";" + $myUsers | Add-Content $myFileName


# Create a "....<delivery_group_name>_DeliveryGroupApps.csv" file with a list of all apps for each delivery group
# UUID is the attribute to identify and link apps and delivery groups

Get-BrokerDesktopGroup | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -eq "True"} | ForEach-Object { 

$myUUID= $_.UUID
$myFileName = $myPath + "\" + $myDate + "_" + $ + "_DeliveryGroupApps.csv"
$myHeader = "AdminFolderName;ApplicationName;ApplicationType;DisplayName;ClientFolder;CommandLineArguments;CommandLineExecutable;AppName;PublishedName;Visible;WaitForPrinterCreation;WorkingDirectory"
$myHeader | Out-File $myFileName -encoding ASCII 

$apps = Get-BrokerApplication -SortBy Name | Where-Object { $_.AssociatedDesktopGroupUUIDs -eq $myUUID }

Foreach ($app in $apps) {
$myString = $app.AdminFolderName + ";" + $app.ApplicationName + ";" + $app.ApplicationType + ";" + $app.BrowserName + ";" + $app.ClientFolder + ";" + $app.CommandLineArguments + ";" + $app.CommandLineExecutable + ";" + $app.Name + ";" + $app.PublishedName + ";" + $app.Visible + ";" + $app.WaitForPrinterCreation + ";" + $app.WorkingDirectory
$myString | Add-Content $myFileName

3 comentarios:

  1. do you have a script to import back into new environment?

  2. Article is quite good. Pegasi Media is a b2b marketing firm that has worked with many top organizations. Availing its email list is fast, simple, convenient and efficient. Appending services adds the new record as well as fills up the fields that are missing. Pegasi Media Group also perform Data Refinement, Data building, Data Enchancement, and Data De-Duplication. Database marketing is a form of direct market in which the customers are contacted through their email addresses with the help of the database. There is a scope for email marketing to generate personalized communication with the clients in order to promote your sales.
    Citrix XenDesktop Users
